Marriage enhancement workshop:
Why are we required to take a course to obtain a driver’s license, and yet there is no manual that comes with a marriage license? Do you ever notice yourself having the same arguments, over and over, with your spouse? You may have had lots of fights over the years, but did you ever learn how to fight effectively? Do you ever feel lonely in your marriage? Do you wish to rekindle the passion you used to feel when you were dating? Do you ever feel like your spouse doesn’t trust or respect you? Are you living the marriage of your dreams yet?
Relationships take work but can become much easier to maintain and flourish when you practice the right skills. I have seen significant change happen even when just half the couple enters into treatment, so if your partner isn’t ready to join, you will still gain from this group. The tools I teach are based on the work of many theorists and researchers who have studied what makes a good marriage. I incorporate wisdom from Dr. John Gottman, who, after a five-minute assessment, can predict with 91% accuracy whether a couple will stay together. This is based on small, seemingly insignificant nuances in actions that create big ripples in relationships. I am here to teach you principles for a successful and fulfilling relationship. Whether your marriage has been conflict-ridden for years, or is good but you would like it to be great, you will find these tools life-changing!
Dating Strategies Workshop: How to find the partner of your dreams
Do you find yourself dating the ‘wrong’ people? Are you constantly excited in the beginning of a relationship but let down over time, finding that it isn’t a good match? Have you ever felt pressure to change who you are in order to stay in a relationship? Are you experiencing feelings of hopelessness that you may never find the one? You are not alone! I am an experienced dating coach who can help you change your current dating patterns. This workshop will offer many practical and simple tools to set you up for a more enjoyable and successful dating life.
How can dating be both enjoyable and goal-oriented? There are many helpful tools such as learning how to identify what is most important to you in a partner, how to manage all the emotions you experience, so you do not get attached too quickly, and how to look for someone who matches your personality, values, and goals. In my dating workshop you will learn effective skills regarding how to express your needs in ways that sound confident rather than needy, and how to determine when it is healthy and appropriate to become physically involved, thus ensuring that it does not happen too soon, potentially jeopardizing the emotional relationship. Some individuals recognize that they give too much or too little but aren’t sure how to carry out changes on their own. Sometimes there are unrealistic expectations or negative attitudes toward dating and long-term relationships.
The workshop will address these and many other concerns related to entering and maintaining a healthy relationship.
Parenting Tools Workshop- How to raise happy children, and stay happy in the process
Do you ever wish your child came with a manual? Do you feel like your child doesn't respect you or doesn't listen to what you ask? Do you ever feel like you have good days and bad days but are not sure why they seem so random? Do you struggle with when to use rewards versus punishment? Is it hard to set limits? Are you unsure of what your child’s developmental needs are? Do you find yourself in the same arguments with your child? Is your child making choices you don’t agree with? Are you unsure what parenting style is best for you or your child?
Parenting can be filled with pleasurable rewarding experiences, and it can also be filled with challenges that feel overwhelming. If you are like most parents out there, at times you probably feel confused, worried about how to handle certain situations, or lacking in confidence. For some individuals, parenting skills are innate; for many they are not!
This workshop is designed to address the questions above and teach you skills that will improve your interactions with your children (in fact, many of the same skills can even be applied to other relationships in your life!). You will learn practical tools to balance satisfying your personal needs while also giving your children everything they need to succeed in life, thus enabling you to know how to raise happy, healthy, well-adjusted children. Whether you are a new parent or have been one for years, this workshop will teach you tools to make the journey not only easier, but more enjoyable for everyone!
DBT- Dialectical Behavior Therapy informed Skills Group
The goal is to help you create a life worth living. This group is geared towards individuals with difficulty regulating their emotions. While DBT was originally developed to treat people with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), more recent research is finding that the tools taught in DBT can be applied to a wide range of symptoms, including eating disorders, substance use, and PTSD. If you are experiencing intense emotions, whether it be severe depression, anxiety, suicidal thinking, or urges to self-harm, this group teaches practical skills to help you make healthy and safe choices. Topics covered include mindfulness training, meditation, interpersonal effectiveness-- (how to create positive relationships with others), emotion regulation, and distress tolerance.